Refund Policy - Hương Quế

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

1. Return/Exchange terms and conditions

The product has lost its seal, delivered wrongly in quantity, information and design compared to the order will be eligible for return/exchange.
The product is damaged due to the manufacturer’s fault (technical failure, design error, content, hidden/internal errors, different from the declared quality standards of the manufacturer) or error during shipping (deformed, scratched, smeared, cracked etc.).
Product expired before or on the date the product is delivered to the customer.

2. Time line for Return/Exchange

Return/Exchange request is only accepted within 03 days of the date of the purchase.

3. The time of return/exchange request will be based on:

If the customer sends by post or delivery, the time will be based on the postmark of the post office or courier.
If the customer personally brings the product to the repayment center, the time will be based on the date Huong Que receives the returned product from the customer.

4. Cost for return/exchange

For products due to manufacturer’s errors at point 1, customers will be given free exchange and free delivery to the location indicated on the return request form.

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